The Castle of Donnafugata (Castello di Donnafugata) represents a precious stop-over during your trip in the Ragusa Shire.


The Castle of today is a result of various alterations that have taken places during many years, specifically from the 14th century, when the square tower was firstly built, to the 19th century. Several masters and owners have transformed this place, trying to create a poetic resemblance with a traditional Venetian loggia, noticeable from the central section of the main façade.


What is more curious about this Castle is the legend around it: “Donnafugata” literally refers to a woman´s escape, thought to specifically be the Queen Blanche of Navarre, widow of her King, who was hiding for many years from the Count Bernardo Cabrera, who wanted to marry her in order to take on power of the whole island.


However, skeptical sources have come to the conclusion that the name “Donnafugata” refers to an existing Arabic expression meaning “Source of Health”, translated afterwards into the Sicilian language as “Ronnafuata“.


We will never know what the truth is…but once you are in there, we believe that you will feel a unique atmosphere, imagining wonderful stories about its nobles inhabitants of the past.


In fact, you still have the chance to visit some rooms of the first floor and the garden, with the fantastic labyrinth, location of the famous movie “Tale of Tales” (with the beautiful Salma Hayek). For the old-movies lovers, we have to mention that the famous scene of the dance in the Luchino Visconti movie, “Il Gattopardo“, was shot here.


A curiosity: the garden is plenty of tricks and traps designed to amaze the owner’s guests, especially the ladies…


Opening times:

Monday: closed.

Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday: from 9:00 to 13:00 (last chance to buy your ticket!)
from 14:30 to 16:00 (last chance to buy your ticket!) with the possibility to stay in the Castle until 17:00.

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: from 9:00 to 13:00 (last chance to buy your ticket!) with the possibility to stay in the Castle until 14:00.

More info here.


Enjoy our gallery!


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  1. […] Castello di Donnafugata (Donnafugata): it is a “living” proof of the historical roots of the area and the prestigious families that lived there. Find more about the Castle here; […]

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